
2024年5月4日DUO select





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001Make a reservation at least a week in advance.
002It doesn't make sense to turn down such a good offer.
003I don't trust any candidate. To begin with, they always make promises they don't keep.
004He made a false statement during the trial.
005Make sure that your essay has a solid logical structure.
006The more experience you have, the wiser decisions you will make.
007Some scientists are making use of artificial intelligence to predict earthquakes.
008Unless you make every effort, you'll be left behind.
009The company has made deliberate attempts to deceive consumers.
010They made their way on foot through the valley.
011Making money is not an end in itself but just a means to an end.
012"I'll pick you up on the way." "No thanks. I'll take a taxi by myself."
013"Can I speak to Jane?" "She's on another line right now. Can I take a message?"
014As far as I'm concerned, I'm willing to take any risk.
015Take advantage of this rare opportunity.
016When she nodded, he took her by the hand and led her to the shore.
017Don't take these pills on an empty stomach.
018"I have a sore throat and a bad cough." " Take your temperature."
019It's about time you decided what career path to take.
020It takes time to acquire skills and knowledge in all aspects of advertising.
021Take your time, and deal with the problems one by one.
022Take it easy. It's no use arguing about it.
023We were amazed that the device was tiny but smart.
024Although Bob is frightened of insects, he studies biology.
025No wonder the audience was bored to death. The topic was boring.
026Now that you've gotten married, respect each other.
027I got lost. To make matters worse, my car broke down.
028"I'm exited about getting together." "So am I."
029The negotiations have failed, so the tension will get worse.
030Our hostility toward him grew more and more intense.
031There was a myth that Japanese financial institutions would not go bankrupt.
032The reality is somewhat different from what the media describe.
033What counts is not always visible.
034Have you made up your mind about what to do with the rest of the stuff?
035Pick some at random, then put them in correct order.
036When his biography was released, I stood in line for hours to get it.
037I'm anxious to hear from you. I miss you.
038"By the way, what do you do?" "I run a grocery store."
039She leaned forward and whispered to me, "I'll come with you."
040I can't stand this mess anymore!
041Keep in mind that theories don't necessarily work in practice.
042The other day they hired Joe, and today they fired him.
043We take turns doing the dishes. This week, it's my turn.
044I envy Tom because he is good at making friends.
045After shaking hands and exchanging greetings, they got down to business.
046Grownups should encourage children to reach their potential.
047At last, we persuaded him to give up.
048Please remember to let me know your departure date.
049"Don't forget to reply to the invitation." "I won't."
050We expected him to participate in the debate.
051He admitted breaking into the house but denied committing murder.
052Many immigrants have difficulty obtaining legal status.
053They are busy making arrangements for the conference.
054He spent his whole life observing wildlife.
055He stayed up late preparing for the trip.
056The president could not bring about a solution to the economic crisis.
057Many historic discoveries come about by accident.
058I'm proud of my profession, which is rewarding and brings out the best in me.
059Japan has a huge national debt of more than seven trillion dollars.
060So far, 521,325 signatures have been collected.
061He claims that two-thirds of the property belongs to him.
062This stream isn't shallow. It's five feet deep.
063This package weighs two pounds, more or less.
064The earth is approximately twice as large as Mars.
065I came across an article about my favorite novel and tore it out.
066Can you pick out some items that will go with these pants?
067He fainted and was barely breathing.
068He advised her not to make any comment to the press for the time being.
069At present, there is not sufficient evidence to prove that he is guilty.
070If exports exceed imports, the trade balance will be a surplus.
071I don't think Japan needs to increase its defense budget.
072The organization is suspected of supplying weapons to the rebels.
073This new method will no doubt replace conventional technology.
074To be honest, I'm not getting along with my neighbors.
075He majored in educational psychology.
076It's tough to convince people who resist change.
077Tom is extremely talented, but many consider him to be slightly odd.
078Modesty is regarded as a virtue.
079Japan must get rid of the regulations that restrict innovation.
080Try this liquid to remove stains from the surface.
081Nick set up an investment firm after he graduated from college.
082A committee was established to investigate the incident.
083He warned us that something horrible was about to happen.
084Tom passed away, and his funeral will take place tomorrow.
085I tried to contact her directly, but I couldn't get through.
086How can I get in touch with you when you're away on business?
087In fact, she has suffered physical abuse from her husband.
088I felt sympathy for Bob because I had gone through something similar once.
089Japan is recovering from the recession at a steady rate.
090He still can't get over his depression since he broke up with Jane.
091A bomb exploded in the parliament building. Fortunately, no one was injured.
092The ship blew up and sank to the bottom of the ocean.
093The stock market is not stable and might well collapse at any moment.
094All of a sudden, the ceiling gave way.
095The Foreign Minister intends to hand in his resignation, sooner or later.
096Before you turn in your assignment, go over it again.
097Protecting our planet calls for international cooperation.
098This task requires a great deal of caution.
099Relax. Chances are you'll be selected for the final interview.
100Make yourself at home, and help yourself to some snacks.
101Delivery was not made on time because of the severe weather.
102All flights were delayed due to fog.
103Give them specific instructions so as not to confuse them.
104They need to compromise in order to put an end to the dispute.
105In spite of numerous obstacles, he achieved his ambition.
106Despite threats, he stood up for justice and liberty.
107From time to time, Tom entertains his clients at fancy restaurants.
108Every now and then, I look back on my childhood.
109He didn't obey the command because it was against his principles.
110A survey indicates most people are in favor of the proposal.
111A lot of people are opposed to the current welfare system.
112In short, his political view is the opposite of ours.
113"Mind if I borrow your encyclopedia? I need to look something up." "Not at all. Go ahead."
114According to rough calculations, it will cost you less to own a house than to rent it.
115I'll lend it to you as long as you take care of it.
116He got into his Porsche and headed for the border.
117My uncle twisted his ankle when he got off the bus in a hurry.
118There are few vacancies not only in permanent but also in temporary positions.
119We used to look down on Bob, but now we look up to him.
120The military official appeared in court as a witness.
121The day before yesterday Tom disappeared without a trace.
122The disease may cause symptoms such as fever and a dull headache.
123We will give you a discount if you purchase in quantity.
124The host is impatient because the guest of honor hasn't shown up yet.
125They are working behind the scenes to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
126Everyone will object if such an ugly object is put up here.
127The building is laid out so that it won't ruin the landscape.
128He lay down on his side with his knees bent.
129Everybody accused me of telling a lie. But I swear I didn't!
130The wages are not likely to rise, so I might as well quit right away.
131We won't allow the government to raise taxes any further.
132Controversy arose over the origin of the solar system.
133In general, people respond better to praise than to criticism.
134The moment he referred to it, she burst into tears and turned away.
135This chart illustrates how your brain reacts to stimuli.
136The party's policy has been polished to appeal to the middle class.
137She's flexible and capable of adjusting to any circumstance.
138The species that cannot adapt to climate change will become extinct.
139I felt sort of nervous at first, but I soon got used to it.
140First of all, notes should be brief and to the point.
141This machine is superior to previous ones in many features. What's more, it's less expensive.
142All nuclear facilities are subject to inspection.
143If you are sensitive to local customs, the people will accept you.
144We are always open to dialogue with our opponents.
145A generous man contributed an enormous amount of money to the charity.
146Going abroad will add new dimensions to your perspective.
147This material will give off a poisonous gas if it is exposed to the sun.
148I'm tired of explaining it to you over and over again.
149As he points out, those chemicals do serious harm to the environment.
150Leave it to me. I won't let you down.
151The boss introduced me to his staff at the meeting.
152We have paid particular attention to this subject.
153I was conscious that they were laughing at me behind my back, but I ignored it.
154I wanted to yell at him but managed to hold it back.
155"Watched out! That's a trap!" Bob shouted to Lisa.
156I was mad at him because he got in my way on purpose.
157Apparently he fell in love with the clerk at first sight.
158An elderly man sat next to Joe and stared at him for a while.
159You can tell at a glance which one is genuine.
160Before going into details, let's take a quick look at the summary.
161I'm looking for an apartment. Since I'm single, anything will do for now.
162Nick never gives us a hand without asking for something in return.
163The police are searching for a man who escaped from prison.
164If you apply for the job, you'll regret it.
165Individual rights have been sacrificed for what is called common good.
166They can no longer take those privileges for granted.
167The officer was offended when he was mistaken for a thief.
168"EC" stands for "electronic commerce."
169Bob lacks confidence because Lisa keeps on rejecting him.
170I've got to concentrate on what's going on now.
171I'm afraid their relationship won't last forever.
172We need your constant support to continue our research.
173Your judgment must be based on reason, not on prejudice.
174I bet you'll be disappointed if you count on them.
175Whether you get promoted or not depends on your performance.
176For the most part, Japan relies on the U.S. for its security.
177The theme of the exhibition is "Turn Trash into Treasure."
178This fairy tale has been translated into several languages.
179The country is divided into three regions, each with its own distinct geography.
180The plane crashed in flames, killing all the passengers and crew.
181When he insulted her, she hung up the phone in anger.
182This tool is convenient. For example, it folds in half.
183She dressed in pure white to stand out in the crowd.
184He assured me that the Mercedes was in good condition except for a few scratches.
185He was arrested on the spot for being naked in public.
186We are responsible for preserving world heritage sites that are in danger.
187"What's the matter, Bob?" "Can I have a word with you in private?"
188She tends to define herself in terms of the approval of others.
189In my opinion, not all disasters are inevitable.
190His grades are neither excellent nor terrible. In other words, they are decent.
191Fill out the registration form in person.
192The communications revolution will affect us in both positive and negative ways.
193In a sense, the strength of the U.S. comes from its racial diversity.
194A labor union plays a significant role in maintaining worker's benefits.
195Actually, she's more interested in his fame than in his character.
196The number of people who are engaged in agriculture is decreasing.
197Unlike me, he has blind faith in religion.
198"I believe in evil spirits." "Don't be ridiculous!"
199Internal documents revealed that the former mayor was involved in the illegal business.
200I was stuck in a traffic jam.
201Tom neglected what he was supposed to do as the man in charge.
202The U.S. frequently interferes in Japan's domestic affairs.
203"Why don't we drop in at his place?" "Sure. Why not?"
204We can't move in until all the utilities are connected.
205It is my belief that hard work pays off in the long run.
206In the end, the man turned out to be innocent.
207We are very satisfied with the tremendous progress we have made.
208They were quite pleased with their new surroundings.
209Even if you haven't heard of him, you're familiar with his work.
210Modern civilization is faced with great challenges.
211Bob compared his annual income with other's and felt miserable.
212In Japan, many people believe your blood type has something to do with your personality.
213He hesitates to mention anything that is associated with his past.
214I won't bother to vote in the next election, so I won't complain about the outcome.
215Bob pretends to be indifferent, but he's crazy about Jane.
216Bob is concerned about what others think of him. As for me, I don't care.
217What if we use up all the fossil fuels?
218You'd better use thick string to tie it up.
219So-called minorities make up a large proportion of the U.S. population.
220The primary aim of this study is to find out the effects of acid rain on forests.
221Tom is anything but ordinary. I can't figure him out.
222They could just make out some vague shapes in distance.
223In any case, you'll have to work it out on your own.
224Stay away from guys like that, or you'll get into trouble.
225What can we do to prevent youth from turning to violence?
226We must take aggressive measures to keep our profits from declining.
227Some cruel experiments are under way in the laboratory.
228He's been under pressure to live up to his reputation.
229We must take bold action before the situation gets out of control.
230Your request is absolutely out of the question.
231Whenever you come up with an idea, write it down immediately.
232He caught up with them in the middle of the steep hill.
233He put away the pile of blankets and helped her with the laundry.
234I'd rather give it away to somebody than throw it away.
235"I didn't recognize you,Bob." "I've put on weight recently."
236He has a habit of taking off his clothes whenever he gets drunk.
237His behavior was far from appropriate for the occasion.
238She was aware of the rumor that had been going around.
239I'm scared to ask her out. I'll be embarrassed if I'm refused.
240"Just out of curiosity, are you seeing someone?" "It's none of your business."
241He didn't express his thoughts for fear of being misunderstood.
242He learned to hide his emotions.
243I'm attracted to Jennifer. How can I get her to notice me?
244Don't show off or exaggerate to impress others. Just be who you are.
245"How about eating out tonight?" "Sounds terrific!"
246As soon as we started our conversation, Bob interrupted.
247He prefers to put up with his wife rather than divorce her.
248"Let me go! We're through." "Calm down, Jane. Let's talk it over."
249Although they now live separate lives, he still holds on to memories of her.
250Cheer up, Bob. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault.
251I'm ashamed of my rude remarks. I should apologize to her.
252Please forgive me. I didn't hurt your feelings.
253I guess she's upset. You should have been more polite to her.
254Leave me alone. I want to think it over for a couple of days.
255In addition to his regular monthly bills, he has to pay a fine this month.
256He earns, on average, 5000 yen a day.
257We recommend that you keep track of your expenses.
258I wish I could afford to put aside some money.
259They aren't eager to carry out fundamental reform. They just try to put things off.
260The city council represents the entire community.
261The administration has no concrete plan to create prosperity.
262From now on, we'll have to do without luxuries.
263Apart from doing exercises, you should cut down on the fat in your diet.
264The paper bag was filled with a various seeds.
265I hate raw fish. For one thing, it smells awful.
266All you have to do is pour some boiling water over it.
267Bob lost his temper because they treated him as if he were an alien.
268He has a large vocabulary for his age.
269I can hardly pronounce the word, let alone spell it.
270"Bob's stupid, isn't he?" "On the contrary! He's a genius."
271Quite a few people attended his lecture.
272He sat at a table by the window and watched people pass by.
273We felt comfortable in the casual but sophisticated atmosphere.
274Bob feels awkward in her company because she reminds him of his ex-girlfriend.
275Isolated showers are forecast across Chiba prefecture.
276Nick's been sick for weeks and looks thin and pale.
277My alarm clock didn't go off because its battery had run out.
278By chance, I met one of my acquaintances in a Tokyo suburb.
279How can I gain access to up-to-date information?
280Please attach your name tag to each piece of baggage.
281He felt sad because none of his relatives came to see him off.
282Please turn off your cell phone while on board.
283He set out before dawn, so he got there with plenty of time to spare.
284When going sightseeing, you should use public transportation.
285Don't assume that your insurance will cover all the damage.
286This estimate does not include the agent's fee.
287Some abstract paintings were displayed upside down by mistake.
288This architecture is typical of the Middle Ages.
289Bob bumped into a statue and bit his tongue very hard.
290The tradition has been handed down from ancient times.
291The editor looked through the manuscript, but he didn't think it was worth publishing.
292He quoted the passage without permission from the author.
293They overlooked essential elements of his philosophy.
294Kawabata received the Novel Prize for literature.
295Try to conserve scarce resources instead of wasting them.
296He emphasized how urgent it was to find alternative sources of energy.
297The desert is not suitable for farming because its soil is not rich.
298We can't help worrying about global warming.
299The residents protested the construction of the power plant.
300Garbage was scattered in front of the factory.
301They didn't follow proper procedure. As a result, a tragedy occurred.
302The emergency shelter has a maximum capacity of twenty people.
303This vehicle runs on hydrogen, and therefore it helps reduce pollution.
304He deserves credit for his great invention.
305Will Japanese industries be able to remain competitive in the world?
306When it comes to imitating other cultures, Japan is second to none.
307Humans resemble apes. Does that imply we have evolved from the same ancestor?
308Most cattle are fed on grain.
309He developed a unique technique for modifying genes.
310All living things are composed of cells that contain a substance called DNA.
311This drug is pretty popular, especially in the U.S.
312Do you feel like going out for a walk for a change?
313This medicine will relieve your muscle pain in no time.
314Unfortunately, his cancer cannot be cured.
315The physician assisted his patient in committing suicide.
316"Nobody can rob me of my dignity!" he exclaimed.
317He insists that whoever commits a crime must be strictly punished.
318Before long, the case will be settled once and for all.
319These days, stadiums are sometimes named after corporations.
320He was reluctant to take on extra duties.
321We have entered an era in which only the fittest can survive.
322Lisa was hard at work. Meanwhile, Bob was just hanging around.
323His office is located on the third floor of the plain, five-story building.
324The routine is annoying because it takes up my precious time.
325He is too selfish to share any burden.
326It is obvious that he is driven by a desire for wealth.
327Although discrimination is prohibited, it does exist to some degree.
328Some occupations are still dominated by males.
329As usual, he fell asleep after the meal break.
330I felt nothing but frustration with my lazy colleagues.
331We are looking forward to working on the project with you. Sincerely,/a>
332We can better serve our customers by improving quality.
333This machine has various functions, and you can also use it overseas as well as in Japan.
334This is by far the most efficient way of transferring data.
335I know how to operate this equipment but I can't fix it.
336Once you take it apart, you can't put it together again.
337If something goes wrong with it, you can have it repaired free of charge.
338These products are manufactured on a large scale.
339The vast majority of people retire with little to live on.
340The employees have been forced to work like slaves.
341We provide a wide range of activities for senior citizens.
342You determine your own destiny. After all, it's up to you.
343He is not mature enough to appreciate the consequences of his actions.
344We need to examine the motives behind bullying.
345He suggested a moderate approach to the complicated issues.
346"How do you interpret this phenomenon?" "I have no idea."
347The authorities are desperate to identify the victims.
348They prayed for the souls of brave soldiers.
349The crops were completely destroyed by the flood.
350On the continent, a large number of people are dying of hunger.
351The empire expanded its territory by conquering one tribe after another.
352After a series of attacks, they defeated the enemy.
353After decades of struggle, the colony declared independence.
354The country adopted a new democratic constitution.
355A riot broke out in the capital and rapidly spread to rural areas.
356We have no choice but to give in to their demands.
357Discipline is of great importance in restoring social order.
358Your moral values are reflected in your attitude.
359Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
360Above all, this analysis must be thorough and objective.
361Keep an eye on our bulletin board. We'll post the exact figures as they become available.
362Don't rush. You'll spoil everything.
363We must take every factor into account before coming to a conclusion.
364They met face to face to discuss the prospects for peace.
365I agree with you to a certain extent.
366We need to handle these matters at the same time.
367I've been brought up in the country and can't imagine what urban life is like.
368They are very much alike in background, tastes, and so on.
369The Grammy Awards ceremony is broadcast live via satellite.
370He has an extraordinary influence on the younger generation.
371Freedom and equality are guaranteed to everyone regardless of sex.
372No matter how silly it seems to you, I'll do my best.
373He succeeded in exploring the Antarctic for the first time.
374I admire your courage and enthusiasm.
375Without a vision or a strategy, nothing can be accomplished.
376Dozens of people gathered to celebrate his victory.
377"I made it!" "Congratulations!" "Thanks. I owe you a lot."
378"Let's call it a day, Bob. I'm starved." "Yep. I'll buy you dinner."





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